The Magnificent CEνNS
The Magnificent CEνNS (M7s) is a community built up around the process of coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering (CEνNS).
The Magnificent CEνNS (M7s) is a community built up around the process of coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering (CEνNS).
Starting soon, this allows the CEνNS community to remain connected and collaborative throughout the year, beyond the primary workshops.
During this time of decreased travel, we hope to showcase both exciting progress as well as junior researchers who may be disproportionately affected by diminished opportunity to attend conferences.
Though we hope to have many folks join us during the webcasts of the seminars, we realize schedules are difficult to balance and that geographical/time-zone constraints defy selection of a one-size-fits-all time. With this in mind, we will make recordings of the seminars available soon after the talk. Further, we encourage asynchronous engagement with the speakers and with the broader community in the wake of talks. We will likely use Slack to facilitate this, and will update this page to provide information on how to get connected.
September 18, 2020
Speaker, abstract, time, and connection details to follow.
November 16 -- 20
This year, the M7s workshop will happen virtually. We will do our best to incorporate lessons learned from other online events that have taken place, looking towards maximizing inclusion, participation, and engagement.
Connection details, and other mechanisms for discussion, etc., will be shared as the date approaches.
October 5 -- 7
Mark your calendars!
All slides from past meetings are available and citeable with DOIs from Zenodo.
Held Nov. 2 & 3 at the University of Chicago. Supported by the Enrico Fermi Institute and the Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics, both at UChicago.
Meeting website Citeable slidesNov. 9 -- 11 at The PIT in Chapel Hill, NC. Supported by the CoSMS Institute, Triangle Universities Nuclear Lab, and Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
Meeting website Citeable slides